Restoration Work

Whilst I always try to preserve the original substance as far as possible, my goal is to restore an instrument to a playable condition with good sound quality. It is often quite a challenge to find the right balance between these two aspects. To achieve the best result and come as close as possible to the original sound quality I use the methods of the makers who built the original instruments. Generally speaking pretty much any damage can be repaired. I am very happy to assist you with assessing the work required and find a practicable solution depending on the value of the instrument.

The following series of pictures will give you a brief overview of my restoration work. Here are some of the more important instruments I have worked on during the past 25 years:

Francisco Simplicio, complete restoration

Richard Jacob Weissgerber 1957

Hermann Hauser I "Wandervogel-lute"

Staufer estimated, repairwork on the back

Here you find a list with some of the more important instruments I have worked on the last 25 jears:

Wolfgang Wolf 16.Jh. Füssen lute; Gregori Ferdinand Wenger1751 Augustae lute; Giovanni Bellati 1798 Mailand guitar; Johann Georg Staufer 1814 Vienna guitar; Bernhard Enzensberger 1830 Vienna: 3 guitars, 10-string guitar; Anton Jarasch 1837 Vienna guitar; Johann Anton Staufer Vienna mandolin; Franziskus Herzlieb Graz terzguitar; Anton Fischer Vienna guitar / terzguitar; Reisinger Vienna guitar; Jose Alcanto Valencia guitar; Hans Raab 1908 Munich wappenguitar; Hermann Hauser 1 Munich: 1911 guitar, 1917 9-string wandervogel-lute, 1921 7-chörige Lute, 1921 Guitar, 1926 guitar, 1932 guitar; Guitar Gelas Paris 1924, 1928 "ex Heinrich Albert"; Richard Jacob Weissgerber Markneukirchen: 1926 guitar, 1935 guitar, guitar Torresmodel ca.1935, 1946 guitar, 1957 guitar; Julian Gomez Ramirez 1938 Paris guitar; Edgar Mönch 1949 Munich guitar "ex Schwerdhöfer"; Hermann Hauser 2 1961 guitar; José Ramirez 3 1968 guitar; Ignacio Fleta et hijos Barcelona 1969 guitar; Luigi Embergher Rome 1917 mandolin; Raffaele Callace 1915 mandolin; E. de Christofaro Napoli mandolin;...